Seeing the title of the Play, “The Legend of the King and the Mathematician” and aware of the names of the authors and comments by two renowned German and Australian Mathematicians, I found it necessary for the Iranian National Commission for UNESCO to publish this Play as a publication of the NatCom. Once having read the Book and getting to know the style and writing technique applied by the authors in its preparation, and having learnt that the Play introduces limitless, infinite and again limitless numbers of new mathematical problems from a single simple problem, I became curious to ask for the opinions of a number of Iranian mathematicians on the Book. By way of chance I came to receive the spring issue of the Newsletter of the Iranian Mathematical Society (year-XXXIII), where I came across scientific comments of three Math specialists. Thereon, I took the matter straight to the Publications Council of the Iranian National Commission for UNESCO, where, no longer in doubt, I proposed to have the Play published with the logo of the Iranian National Commission for UNESCO and asked for their assistance in obtaining the required permission for using the name and logo of the NatCom by the authors of the Play.

Dr. Saeed Abadi, general director of national UNESCO commission



